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Backwoods Bowhunter Podcast

Just a couple of southern Illinois good ole boys sharing our passion of archery and the thrill of the hunt. We talk huntin’ stories, provide product reviews, and a whole lot of just plain overall nonsense. Keepin’ it lighthearted and fun with that sittin’ around the campfire with your buddies style!


Backwoods Bowhunter

A couple of backwoods good ole boys coming at you in the Whiskey and Whitetails podcast studio in the heart of big buck country at the Whiskey and Whitetails Farm in Southern Illinois.

We bring our style of backwoods humor, have some fun, drink a little whiskey and/or beer, talk some bowhunting and whatever other topics we feel like talking about. We have the habit of getting a little off track every so often.

Our style is for you to feel like you’re sitting around a campfire with a group of hunting buddies telling stories, lies and being complete degenerates. Most importantly, we want to share our passion for archery and the thrill of the hunt.

Tim Jarvis

Tim Jarvis


Mike Edgin

Mike Edgin


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Usually Fridays, but hey…..

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Episode 103

What Defines a Successful Hunting Season

Season 3, Episode 29    |    1 hr 30 min 54 sec

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