A big part of hunting is making memories. We all spend hours upon hours through the year scouting, hanging stands, planning , planting, and dreaming of that monster walking into our setups on a crisp evening in the fall. The time we spend with family and friends in the field and the memories we make are, to me, the most valuable of it all. Any trophies we get are the cherry on top. Over 10 years ago now I began hunting with the guys at Texasbowhunter.com and they turned me into the importance of capturing those moments, whether in video or pictures. I’d hunt with those guys and there were as many cameras as bows in camp. I can’t tell you how many pictures we have of the various hunts we’ve all been on. Today, those pictures take me back. I can remember why someone was laughing till they were crying. What it sounded like, and can almost smell the mesquite burning, or the ribeye’s grilling. Years before I never even took a camera with me. Sometimes I wish I had. I would love to see some pictures of old hunts with my Dad and Grandfather when I was a kid. That was pre digital cameras though when it wasn’t as easy.

A group shot from a hunt with good friends. Myself, Billy “Huntmaster” Gardner, and TC “Thatmadman” Hensel
Today, just about everybody carries a camera in their pockets. Any of today’s “smart phones” can take suitable pictures that can be blown up and even framed. It has never been easier to capture the moment. Before we get to far into things keep in mind there are different types of pictures. There are snapshots where people are sitting around and they simply capture the moment. A memory, caught at a particular instant. We prolly aren’t gonna frame them, but we can look at them and remember that moment. Then you have you pictures, like a “laying down pic” when you drop the hammer on a good deer. Those will most certainly be shown to the masses. This is where a little attention will go a long ways to making a good pic that you can be proud to show off.
First, just like shooting a gun, think what is behind the target. It doesn’t have to be a beautiful landscape, but just check what’s behind you. You spent all this time hunting this buck, preparing , planning, and when it comes down to this, do you really want a blue portapotty in the background? Or your old coon hound doubled up dropping a deuce? It’s funny, but it’s happened!
Second, when you get the deer ready, wipe away the blood, lay your bow over the entry or exit holes that may be visible, maybe take a wet rag to moisten the eyes so they are shiny and not glazed over. Tuck the tongue in or cut it out so it isn’t hanging.
Three, take the pic and get the whole animal and you in the frame. If I am alone, I use a tripod. I don’t pack it with me, but keep it and the camera in the truck until I need it. The last deer I killed I must of took 10 or 15 pics before I got the lens adjusted to where I liked it. Keep at it, it doesn’t take as long as you think!
I personally use a DSLR camera, but if you have no desire to adjust settings other than the auto setting on the camera there really is no need to go that route. Today’s point and shoot and prosumer cameras are very easy to use and will provide excellent results. A tripod is $15 at Wally World. Together you can get the job done and have something to be proud of.
I hope this might help get people to try taking a few more pictures and capturing their experiences. I in no way shape or form am criticizing anyone who has shared their pics with us on the site or Facebook page. We love them all. Having said all this I am still not where I would like to be in my picture game. The last buck I shot was cleaned and hanging with only a couple pics taken of it in the cooler on my phone due to it being so warm when I shot him on opening morning of the season. I am trying though, and I hope you will to. When you do, don’t forget to show them to us!