Male BobcatThe Illinois House of Representatives has advanced a proposal to allow bobcat hunting in Illinois for the first time in more than 40 years.  House Bill HB4226 passed by a vote count of 91 – 20 and will now proceed to the Senate.  Illinois banned hunting of the nocturnal animal in 1972 and bobcats were on the threatened species list from 1977 to 1999.  The bobcat population has made a large comeback especially in western and southern Illinois.  The bill currently states that the bobcat season will run from November 1st through February 15th and the hunter will be allowed one bobcat per hunting season.


“Amends the Wildlife Code. Removes the prohibition on taking bobcats in the State. Provides that it shall be unlawful for any person to trap or to hunt bobcats with gun, dog, dog and gun, or bow and arrow, except during the open season which will be set annually by the Director of Natural Resources between 12:01 a.m., November 1 to 12:00 midnight, February 15, both inclusive. Provides that the season limit for bobcat shall not exceed one bobcat per person per season. Provides that the pelts of bobcats shall be tagged in accordance with federal regulations and the Department of Natural Resources may require harvest registration and set forth procedures, fees for registration, and the process of tagging pelts in administrative rules. Provides that bobcats may be taken during the open season by use of a small light which is worn on the body or hand-held by a person on foot and not in any vehicle.”


